We are down to the last 3 days of school. Wow...how time flies.
I sent a new Technology form home to be signed last week. Please return it signed. It goes in your child's cume folder and...You don't have to sign one every year any more. This one counts for years to come.
I want to thank everyone for the wonderful turn out for Honor's Day. I hope you enjoyed celebrating your child's accomplishments with us. It couldn't have happened without you. It does take a village...so Thank Each of you for ALL you have done to help make your child successful in 2nd grade. I have enjoyed teaching my class this year so much. This group was very sweet.
Monday= No School It's a Holiday.
Tuesday= Game Day *Please allow your child to pick and bring a BOARD GAME to school this day.
1- We will work on our Olympic Games Book.
2- We will play board games
3- We will work on our Father's Day Projects
Wednesday: Field Day 12:00 - 1:00
We will have activities before and after our field day time slot.
Field day will go on for the school All Day. Our time is only an hour.
If you want to come and join us for field day please come. Our class will be in two teams (but still stay together).
I do need a few chaperones. We will be outside in the field behind the Playground. We will travel from station to station about every 5 minutes. Students will get their spirit packs after our game time is over. It will be HOT.
Students wear your GREEN field trip shirts so we look cool and as a group. AND WEAR TENNIS SHOES. We will be in the field running and stuff.
We get out at 12:30 on this day. Car and Bus riders will leave at the same time.
Please make proper arrangements.
If you do not send your child to school on this day please stop by to pick up your child's report card in the front office after 12:30 or sometime on Friday. Thanks.
I had a great year with your child.
Happy Summer to You All.
Mrs. Mainor
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