Saturday, May 26, 2012

We are down to the last 3 days of school. time flies.

I sent a new Technology form home to be signed last week.   Please return it signed.  It goes in your child's cume folder and...You don't have to sign one every year any more.  This one counts for years to come.

I want to thank everyone for the wonderful turn out for Honor's Day.  I hope you enjoyed celebrating your child's accomplishments with us.  It couldn't have happened without you.  It does take a Thank Each of you for ALL you have done to help make your child successful in 2nd grade.  I have enjoyed teaching my class this year so much.  This group was very sweet.

Monday= No School  It's a Holiday.

Tuesday= Game Day    *Please allow your child to pick and bring a BOARD GAME to school this day.
1- We will work on our Olympic Games Book.
2- We will play board games
3- We will work on our Father's Day Projects

Wednesday:  Field Day   12:00 - 1:00
We will have activities before and after our field day time slot.
Field day will go on for the school All Day.  Our time is only an hour.
If you want to come and join us for field day please come.  Our class will be in two teams (but still stay together).
I do need a few chaperones.  We will be outside in the field behind the Playground.  We will travel from station to station about every 5 minutes.  Students will get their spirit packs after our game time is over.  It will be HOT.
Students wear your GREEN field trip shirts so we look cool and as a group.   AND  WEAR TENNIS SHOES.  We will be in the field running and stuff.

We get out at 12:30 on this day.  Car and Bus riders will leave at the same time.
Please make proper arrangements.
If you do not send your child to school on this day please stop by to pick up your child's report card in the front office after 12:30 or sometime on Friday.  Thanks.

I had a great year with your child.
Happy Summer to You All.
Mrs. Mainor

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Awards Day is Tomorrow.
See you in our classroom at 10:15
We will do classroom awards and have refreshments.
At 11:00 we will have formal awards in the gym.
You can then check your child out of school by signing them out in our classroom.
Hopefully we will see someone from each family tomorrow.  It is a special day...bring your camera.
There are two ceremonies BEFORE ours.  Please come to school at our designated time so the other parents will have a chance to leave you a parking space.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Welcome to the Last full week of the school year.  Time sure has flown by.

If you have not sent in your child's $2 for the Award's Day Refreshments yet...Please do that by Tuesday.  THANK YOU.

Monday we will be taking the "End of the Year" Benchmark Test.  The results will follow your child in their cume folder to the third grade.

Tuesday we will have a regular school day.

Wednesday we will have our Awards Ceremony starting in our classroom at 10:15.  We will do classroom accomplishments and have refreshments until about 10:50.  Then you can make your way to the gym for the more formal green pod awards ceremony.  After those awards you may check your child out to go home.

Thursday and Friday will be regular school days.

Next Monday = NO SCHOOL due to Memorial Day.

Next Tuesday = We will have our water day Gotcha party for those who have earned enough gotcha's this last time.

Next Wednesday = We will have Field Day

Next Thursday is the Last day of School and we will release at 1/2 day.  Please make the proper arrangements for your child.  Report cards will go home for the last time on the last day of school.

Have a great week.   See you Wednesday Morning.
-Mrs. Mainor

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!  I hope everyone celebrated a special mom today.   I also hope the mother's in our classroom loved your child's special gift for you.  They really put a lot of thought into it. :)

I also saw several students at the park Saturday for Cops and Kids.  You all have a Gotcha for attending.  We definately had a lot of fun things to do there and it was a free celebration...with great weather too.  If you didn't get to go it is an annual event.  You should try to attend next year.

This week we are taking all FINAL grades so it is VERY IMPORTANT that your child attend school each day to get all their final work completed. 
THANK YOU ahead of time on this matter.

Monday:  We will finish our tests from Friday.  We were finishing our MD projects and the day was just not long enough.
We will introduce the Cowboy story and new spelling words for U.6W.4  We will introduce using commas to separate compound sentences and take a grade on basic division.  In science we will take a grade on our simple machines booklet and computer game test.
We will do a heavy dose of AR today to try and reach our goals by Wed.

Tuesday:   We will have our last special math lesson with Mrs. Pam on multiplication today.  We will have a regular day with another heavy dose of AR with any make up work students need to complete.

Wednesday:  We will start our day today with a visit from Angela Dewberry from the Millbrook Library about their summer program.
Our trip to ARIS to see 3rd grade will be today right after that. Parents you may MEET us there if you want to join the tour.
I have sent field trip t-shirts home and ask that you please have your child wear their shirt for this last trip. They can keep them after today.

I am meeting with my principal today about any students NOT meeting the promotion / retention criteria.  You have been signing the form all year and are aware if your child is a concern.

Thursday:  We will host a 1st grade class to tell them about what to expect in the 2nd grade.  We will give all weekly tests today.
The 100 book club party is also today for those students who turned in their blue library sheet.

Friday:  Today is the last day of shaved ice.  Send in $1.50 if you want your child to get one.
9am we will go to the A.R. store for the last time this year.
All formal grades will be complete by today.

Our Honor's Day Program will be the following week on Wednesday, May 23rd.
Please join us (if you can) for classroom awards at 10:15 that day followed by refreshments.  Right after that we will have our pod/formal awards at 11:00 in the gym.  After that you may check your child out to go home with you.
*Please send in $2.00 for the honor's day refreshments this week before Friday.  You do not need to provide any other items. :)
**I am still in need of any pictures you may have from the art museum field trip or any other times from this year.  I did not have a camera for a lot of events this year and I have relied on you to take photos.  I am making something special for the kids and would appreciate your help.
My email address is or you can send in a disc or real pics.   Special thanks to the few of you who sent in pics from bowling.

We are into the last 3 weeks of school.  There are a LOT of activities happening all at once.  Please check this blog for any information and mark your calendars.  My copies have run out so this is how I will be communicating with you.

Have a Great week.  Encourage your child to do their best and... Lets end the year strong. :)
-Mrs. Mainor

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wow Again... THANKS to all my kids for their sweet notes and cards and gifts.  I really felt loved this morning...Actually all week long. You really know how to make a girl feel appreciated.  I Love each one of you soooo much and I will miss you very much when our school year comes to an end.

TODAY we celebrated Jamie Collier's 8th Birthday in three of our green pod classes, because she is indeed a triplet.  Thank you to her mom for sending in cupcakes and we appreciated all the silly birthday songs the kids sang to Jamie.   She also lost a tooth.  What a day.

Friday is the last day to turn in $5 for the field day spirit pack.  I have received 3 order forms with no money.  They have to come together to actually get a spirit pack. 
Also remember to send in the ft slip to visit third grade next week.  :)

These last few weeks are going to be a little crazy with activities jam packed on top of each other so we will have to go with the flow.

Please look for graded papers to come home tomorrow (Friday) and the kids will have a little something special for their mother...if they can keep it hidden until Sunday.
Tomorrow I will type our plans for next week so check out the blog.  My copies have run out so there will be no paper newsletter.
Have a great night.
-Mrs. Mainor

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

WOW... My snack stash is HUGE.  Thank you all so very much for the snacks today.  I feel VERY appreciated this week.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. :)

The Volunteer Breakfast also went GREAT today.
Thank you Mrs. Swanner and Ms. Jan for attending.  Also thanks to our class choir members for singing and our student council rep. Travasia for serving the guests.  You all did a Fabulous job.

Today and Tomorrow we are STAR testing.  The students took this test (for comprehension and establishing library levels) at the beginning of the year and again at Christmas.  Now this is the last time to take it and compare the new level to the August level.  Your child's level should have gone up with all the A.R. reading we have done this year.

Our reading test is Thursday and Friday we will take all other tests.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I received some more beautiful flowers today.  Thank you very much.
AND... We got many "much needed" supplies for day 2 of Teacher Appreciation week.  Thank you very much and we will use all of them to get us through the end of the school year.

ALSO... Our class did FABULOUS on the DIBELS test today.  I am beyond proud of each of my students.  They have been working hard and read great.

Our next goal... to reach our A.R. goals by next Wednesday.  We will only test and check out library books until next Tuesday.  WEDNESDAY is when all library books will be turned in for the year.  Then we will shop at the A.R. store for the last time this year. 

:)  Mainor

Monday, May 7, 2012

Thank you for all the Beautiful flowers you sent in for Teacher Appreciation Week.  I Love them and they brighten up the room a bunch.  :)

NO HOMEWORK tonight because of DIBELS testing tomorrow morning.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Over the weekend I hope you practiced your child's reading passages with them to prepare for DIBELS testing on Tuesday.

The kids have been working so hard and I am proud of their progress before they even take their final test.

Please remember to sign and return the Permission slip to visit ARIS.  Our field trip is May 16th.

We would like to thank Mrs. Jan and Mrs. Swanner for being our classroom volunteers this school year.  They will be honored at the CES Volunteer Breakfast on Wednesday.  Thank you both for your help this year.

Monday:  We will start U.6 W.3 Material
We will take our spelling pretest on 'tion words,  Introduce "Birthday Basket for Tia" story with vocab.  The story skill is Drawing Conclusions, and the Reading strategy is Summarizing,  In Language we will introduce Using commas,  In Math we will introduce arrays (more multiplication),  In science we will learn more about simple machines and in s.s. we will identify our branches of government and continue working on identifying American symbols.

Please make sure your child attends school this day.
Please feed your child breakfast so they can do their best.
THE GOAL IS 90 WORDS or Better.

Wednesday:  Counseling with Mrs. Bush

Thursday:  Our reading quiz

Friday:  Music with Kingsmore.  Computer Lab
              All Tests today and Free Centers at the end of the day.

Have a Great week!  We are STILL takig Grades for a few more weeks.  Thanks for encouraging your child to "END THE YEAR STRONG" and do their best.
-Mrs. Mainor