Sunday, March 11, 2012

This week will be incredibly normal compared to the last few that were filled with extra activities.
This week marks the crossover between the 3rd and 4th nine weeks.

Monday - Wednesday we will be completing all grades for the 3rd nine weeks in Math and Science. We will also be completing any missed assignments or make up work in all subjects due to absences.
All grades were completed last Friday, for the 3rd nine weeks, in Reading, Language, and Spelling.

This week we will be introducing U.5 W.2 weekly reading story, language skill, and spelling words. These grades will be the first grades in these subjects for the 4th nine weeks.
*Your child will have NORMAL homework all this week.
(A nightly reading passage, spelling practice pages, read the weekly story, and read an AR book)
**We only have a few more weeks to reach our 3rd nine weeks AR goals. Please encourage your child to Read, Read, Read as many Library books as they can. They are so excited when they get to SHOP at the 20 point table at our Library store.

Our special class this week is Library on Friday.

I know there have been VERY good reasons for students being absent or late to school lately. However, It would be helpful if everyone made an extra effort to be in school this week. Any missing work/test scores will turn into a zero in the gradebook if not completed. All final grades will be turned in on Friday.

In science we had an extra special measurement lesson last week. Please ask your child about watering our alligators and how much their's has grown. We will be observing the changes over the next month.

Special thanks to those of you who sent in Paper Towels and Tissues. We really needed them and appreciate it a lot.

And last but not least the kids really enjoyed making OOBLEK last Friday. Corn Starch and water makes for an interesting MIX of a solid and liquid. It has qualities of both... But can be classified as neither... It's just a mixture.
We will be experimenting with mixing and separating solids and liquids this week too. That will finish up our unit on Solids, Liquids, and Gas.

March 23rd will be our last school day before Spring Break. We will have NO SCHOOL the last week in March. Please mark your calendars and make proper arrangements for your child's care.

Don't forget to pay for the upcoming "bowling" field trip. It's ten dollars. We have only one chaperone spot left so if you want to come please let me know as soon as you can.

Have a Great Week!
-Mrs. Mainor

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