Sunday, November 27, 2011

I hope everyone had a Fabulous week off with your families for Thanksgiving. I am personally thankful for all of you and everything you do to help your child be successful. I am also thankful for the opportunity to teach your child. I love teaching!
We ended last week with a field trip to the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts. I have never been there before and thought it was great. The kids got a wonderful compliment about their behavior. I was so proud of them. They also asked really good questions, and did an awesome piece of Art Work. (that should have come home)
I'd like to send a special THANKS to: Mr. Baggett, Mrs. Collier, and Mr. Deason for Chaperoning our Field trip. You were a huge help and we appreciate you coming with us.
*p.s. I will be keeping the field trip shirts until next time... If you have a green field trip t-shirt that came home please send it back to me. Thanks.

Our Curriculum this week:
Unit 3 Week #2
Spelling: Long O spelling patterns
Reading: "Dear Juno" story about writing letters.
** We will be sending our flat Stanley people this week. (it goes along with our weekly story)
Language: Matching verbs with nouns. We will add an -s to a verb to tell what ONE person, animal or thing does. We will not add an -s to a verb talking about a plural noun. (kind of a hard concept for them)
Math: We will be adding with regrouping this week.
Science: Still working on living things.

*We will have a special visit from Mrs. Pam from Auburn to do a math lesson this week with us on Thurs., Dec. 1st.
** Our special classes this week are: Counseling with Mrs. Bush on Wed. and Music on Friday. We also have computer lab on Friday.
*** Remember that on Thursday we have our Reading and Language quizzes, and on Friday we have Spelling, Math, and Science tests.

Your child will have a Library book come home EVERY night.

Have a GREAT week.
-Mrs. Mainor

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