Monday, November 4, 2013

Welcome to November!   We have our Math night this Tuesday at 6pm.  We will start in the Cafeteria with the PTA meeting/performance from Blue Pods, and then you and your child can roam around the 2nd grade classrooms and play math games together.  Visit 4 rooms and then your child will get a piece of candy.  Each room will only have ONE game to play.  Try and visit as many rooms as possible so you can really get a feel for the type of activities we are doing in 2nd grade.  Thursday we will have another visit from our Gifted Screening teacher.  Friday we will have our Student Council Program in the morning and our Gotcha party in the afternoon.    Another busy week.    REMEMBER:  Monday, November 11th is a Holiday...NO SCHOOL ON November 11th.   Have a great week.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Cookie Dough Pick Up will be on October 30th here at CES.  Please make arrangements to come get it on Wednesday, October 30th.  Thank You!
Mrs. Mainor

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Welcome to the 2nd nine weeks.  I am really proud of your child.  The students are making so much progress and you will see that on the First Report Card coming out later this week.  Expect it along with your graded papers on Thursday.
Have a great week.  We are off and learning a whole new batch of skills.
REMEMBER... Picture Retakes are Monday, October 21st.  Have your child come to school ready and with their money if you are getting pictures made this day.
-Mrs. Mainor

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Well... It is officially FALL.  Time for football, changing leaves, cool weather, and fun holidays
I look forward to meeting with all of you tomorrow during our scheduled time to talk about your child and their progress so far this year.

2:00 DJ Brownfield's parents
3:00 Sariyah William's parents
3:15 Jacob Bryant's parents
4:00 Josie Burdick's parents
4:15 Karnovius Cunningham's parents
5:30 Zina Konne's parents
5:45 Zakyhia Tarver's parents
6:00 Jaydyn Hurst's parents
6:15 Ciara Hine's parents
6:30 Brett Helms' parents
6:45 Daniel Robinson's parents

Sunday, September 8, 2013

This is a FULL 5 day week.  Hope you enjoyed your weekend.  Have a great week.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

I hope you all have a great 3-Day weekend.  We do NOT have school on Monday, Sept. 2nd for Labor Day.  I will see the students again on Tuesday.
Make plans to attend the first PTA meeting on Tuesday night if you can.  It is at 6pm in the CES lunchroom.  Your child will earn a gotcha if you attend.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Our First Week of school went GREAT!!!!!!        
I think our school year is off to a good start.

Remember to come to the Park tomorrow from 10am - 2pm if you can.  It's the Back to School Bash.

I know we all have a lot to do on the weekends but don't forget to SLEEP IN and HAVE FUN and RELAX.   We had such a busy first week getting started.  Next week is when the REAL LEARNING starts.  

Have a Great weekend ...               -Mrs. Mainor

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Welcome to the First Week of the 2013-2014 school year!
I look forward to getting to know my students this week and starting the school year off on the right note.  Please make sure your child eats Breakfast each morning and either brings snack or $1.00 to pay for snack.  Hope you had a relaxing weekend.
-Mrs. Mainor

Friday, August 16, 2013

Saturday's Back to School Bash is POSTPONED!!!    due to weather.  It will now be held the next Saturday, August 24th ... Same time... Same place!   Please mark your calendar.
I want to Thank all of the families that were able to attend Open House yesterday.  I really enjoyed meeting you and look forward to a Great year together.  For those of you who had other plans and could not come yesterday I look forward to meeting you on Monday.
School Starts Monday Morning.  Please feel free to walk your child down to the classroom on the first day of school.  If you still have supplies you can bring them on Monday.  If you have any Questions ???????  You can email me before Monday at
Have a great weekend!!
Hope to see you on Saturday at the Park.
10am - 2pm
-Mrs. Mainor

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Hope to see Everyone at Open House Today!!!!!  I can't wait to meet you.  Drop by 2nd Grade Green Pod ... Room E119... The last door on the LEFT.  I will be there from 12:00pm - 6:00pm.  Have a Great Day.
-Mrs. Mainor

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The kids did SOOOOO good on DIBELS testing today.  I am so proud of everyone and their progress this year.  WOW.  Great Job. -Mrs. Mainor

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Today, April 11th, we are releasing at 1:00pm due to the weather coming in.  Please make sure you have someone at home to greet your child earlier than normal today.
Tomorrow should be a Regular day.
And don't forget our Spring Fling this Saturday from 10am - 2pm

Friday, April 5, 2013

This coming Saturday is our Spring Fling at Coosada.  Hope you will try to come and join us from 10:00am - 2:00pm.  We will have games, performances, food, and more.  Have a great week.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

This week is Dr. Seuss week.
Monday = Wear your Favorite Hat.
Tuesday= Wear Pajamas to school and come to
                 the Reading Night here at CES  at 6pm
Wednesday= Wacky Wednesday,  Wear wacky
Thursday=  Wear Green
Friday=  Dress up like one of the Dr. Seuss
               Characters from one of the stories.  We
               are going to have a Dr. Seuss Parade.
*All week we will be reading Dr. Seuss stories.  If your child has a Dr. Seuss book and wants to bring it to class to share this week feel free.  Please put their name in the book so we can return it to the right child at the end of the week.  We have several Dr. Seuss books in our class library and don't want to mix them up.
**This is also the first week of UNIT 5 in Reading, Language and Spelling.
All regular homework routines are back in place this week.   Expect to see a nightly reading passage, spelling homework, and the reading book to come home.
This week's story is Firefighter.
Have a great week.  Hope to see you all on Tuesday night for reading night. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

We Do... YES  have school on Monday.  We look forward to seeing everyone in class.

Please remember to ask your child about the special math games Mrs. Pam taught us.  Also ask about the special parents who were able to attend our class Friday to talk about their jobs. 
Special thanks to Kade's Mom and Mya's Mom for being special guests in our class to talk about their jobs. 
We really learned a lot.
Also thanks to all the kids who dressed up for career day.  We all had DIFFERENT jobs to discuss.  It was an Exciting day.

Last Thanks to everyone who volunteered to attend the Valentines Day Party and those who sent in items for us.  We had a great time and the kids really enjoyed exchanging valentines.

Have a great Week.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

This week is full of activity.
We have Music on Tuesday along with celebrating President Lincoln's Birthday. 
We have a special math lesson on Wednesday.  We have Counseling on Thursday and our Valentine's Day Party that day too. 
And last on Friday we have Career Day.
We will be making bags in class to hold our valentines.
Please have your child dress up on Friday to reflect the career they want to have when they grow up.
Hopefully some of you will be able to come in and present about your personal job that day too.  Just fill out the form we sent home last week and return it as soon as possible so Mrs. Bush will know to schedule you for classes.  Be prepared to present about your job at least 3 times that morning.  Thanks ahead of time.
Have a great Week.

Friday, February 1, 2013

I hope everyone has a restful weekend.  For those of you who are football fans... This Sunday is it!!!!!   The big showdown in the Super Bowl.  Go 49ers.  :)
In math we have just recently talked about geometric shapes and then fractions.  Please continue to ask your child about these topics while you are out and about.  Geometric shapes are Everywhere.  You use fractions everyday in the kitchen, or measuring out medicine, or when you share something with your child.  Talk about it.  The more they see it around them, the more they see these topics are real and important.

Our next topic is Money.  Students will now get "paid" for their grades.
They will get paid a quarter for every 100% they make.
They will get paid a dime for every A (90 - 99%).
They will get paid a nickel for every B (80 - 89).
They will get paid a penny for every C (70 - 79).
Sorry,  No money will be awarded to D's and F's.

I will pay them for all their January grades this coming week.  After that every Friday will be PayDay.

Students must earn $1.00 to shop at the class store.  They will be able to buy one item if they can count out their dollar.  Once everyone has shopped I will allow anyone with a second dollar to shop again.
The store will happen on the last Friday of each month.
I will also have a few $5.00 items at the store.  Those students who want to save up and shop for those may do it.

Our special class this week is Library on Wed.
Those students who attend the PTA meeting on Tuesday will be given a gotcha.

We still have a wish list item.  We are in need of a pencil sharpener.  If anyone has the ability to send one in and would like to donate we could certainly use it.  Thanks.  (I'm still saving up to buy the expensive, heavy duty one)

Have a Great Weekend and First week of February.
Remember to tell someone you Love them!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

This week is a normal 5 day week.  We will be working on Unit 4 Week 2 material.  Our special classes this week are music and counseling.   Have a great week.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Well I hope you have enjoyed your day off with your child and the significance of this special day.  Not only do we celebrate MLK day today but Our President was also sworn in for his next 4 year term.  There has been a lot of television coverage on this and I hope you talk with your child a little and maybe show them some of it.  We are usually in school and unable to watch it live.  Today has given us a nice opportunity to witness a piece of history.
We have another short week this week.  Please help your child study their spelling words and reading story.  All our tests will be this Friday.  Have a Great Week!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Our first week together in 2013 was great.  Just getting back into the routine.  The kids did wonderful. 
Now for the changes... This week we have a full 5 days but it is our UNIT TESTING week.
We will have NO formal homework at all this week.  No reading passage, spelling practice, or reading book will come home.  The only thing your child needs to do each night is read one A.R. book.
Our new A.R. goals have been set and your child has started over with earning points for the 3rd nine weeks.
I am pleased to share that everyone got to attend our class A.R. "met my goal" party before Christmas.  And we just shopped at the Library A.R. store with our points.  Hopefully your child shared their toys they bought with their points.
Please encourage your child to read each night and take an A.R. test each day.  The more they read the better they become.
We also took our STAR test right before Christmas and the students' Reading Levels for their library books have all gone up. 
I am looking forward to this next Half Year with you all and Love seeing the students learning and growing.  Have a great Week.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy New Year!!!!!
Welcome to 2013... I hope everyone had a wonderful winter break with their families.  I know I did.  Now that we are rested and refreshed...I will see everyone on Tuesday, January 8th.  I look forward to seeing all my babies again.
And...Hopefully we will also have our Alabama Football Team as National Champions AGAIN. :) 
Have a Great "short" week back.