Sunday, April 29, 2012

Our Bowling field trip was GREAT FUN... One student summed it up as "The Best Day of his Life".  That is what it is about right there.
I want to thank our chaperones:  Rachel's Mom,  Jamie's Mom,  Brendan's Mom,  Abbie's Mom,  and our parents who dropped in to help out... Mari's Grandma and Sara Paige's Dad.  We know how the day played out and WELL..... Thank you all, more than you know, for all your help in making our day successful.
The kids had a great time.

Our next field trip requires no parent chaperones.  It will be Tuesday morning.  We will see the Willy Wonka play put on by Stanhope High School Students.  We will watch the movie on Monday afternoon to prepare for the play.  Then we will compare the two throughout the week and do some extention activities.

We DO have a third field trip coming up to go visit the Airport Road 3rd grade campus.  This field trip is absolutely free and parents are invited to MEET US THERE to see the new campus your child will attend.  Permission slips are required and will come home to be signed MONDAY.  Look for it in your child's folder.

This week we will be doing Unit 6 Week 2 curriculum in Spelling, Reading, and Language.  We will be doing simple machines in Science and American symbols in S.S. to go along with the weekly story.  In Math we are starting Multiplication.
Our special class this week is Library on Friday.

DIBELS testing will be on May 8th. We will be reading several passages this week in order to be extra prepared.
90 words is our last goal to end the year.

I keep telling the Kids to END STRONG.  They have worked really hard this year and I'd like to see as many of them as possible make the honor roll for the last nine weeks.

They are getting tired toward the end here and any encouragement you can give your child to be on their best behavior and try their best until to the end would be appreciated.

We have about 3 more weeks of grades to take and then Awards days and fun activities to end out the year.  Hang in there.

A few items we need:
1- Our treasure box is in need of items.  I am rewarding good behavior and every 100% paper with a visit to the treasure box.  (special thanks to Mrs. Swanner for our last big batch of items) 
With more visits toward the end of the year any items you send in would be appreciated.

2-  I am making a few projects for the end of the year and am in need of any pictures you have taken throughout this school year.
         Field trip pics from Bowling or our Art museum trip,
         Class parties, Holidays,  School functions,  Classroom visits, 
        Open house,   Math night,  Reading night,   Any pics of you
        with your child at school.   I will use any that you send in.
Please send them to me via email ( or put them on a disc and send them in.  Thank you for having them to me by next Friday as it will take a few weeks to copile them all from various sources into the projects.

3-  Please make sure your child has Crayons,  Scissors,  Glue and Pencils to end the year with.  We will need them to complete activities all the way 'til the end of May.

Have a GREAT Week.
-Mrs. Mainor

Sunday, April 22, 2012

This week we are starting Unit 6. All regular homework routines will be back in place.
We have our Bowling field trip this Friday so ALL tests will be given on Thursday.
Graded papers and progress reports will come home on Thursday to be signed and returned. (The promotion/retention form will also come home with new information to be seen, signed and returned). Your child will receive a gotcha for returning all documents signed.

Happy Birthday, this past Saturday, to Justin LaFogg.

Our special class this week is Counseling with Mrs. Bush on Wednesday.

Our DIBELS testing will be on May the 8th. We will be practicing our timed readings very heavily until the 8th. Please make sure you are reading each night with your child and they are reading their timed passage to you each night as well.

Have a great week.
-Mrs. Mainor

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hope your Easter was Great.
What beautiful weather and 3 days off.
This week for an hour each morning we are going to take a test similar to the 3rd grade ARMT test.
Tuesday and Wednesday we will do the reading part.
Thursday and Friday we will do the math part.
*The test will not count for any grades. We are just using the data for planning purposes. This will also give the students a chance to practice taking this type of test before it does count.
**Please try to have your child attend each morning so they can participate.
We will have NO TESTING and NO HOMEWORK in any subject this week.
After the test each morning we will cover U.5W.5 reading story and spelling words and language skills. We will have small groups and do A.R.
In Math we will practice creating and reading graphs.
In Science we will be experimenting and identifying soil.
*Please send in a bag of soil from your yard on Tuesday.
All this week's tests will be given next Monday and Tuesday.
**Remember: The April 27th field trip is $10 and the field trip to the May 1st play is $2.50
Please send in a bag of candy for the spring fling.
Have a great week.
-Mrs. Mainor

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Welcome Back.
I hope everyone had a Wonderful spring break with their families. I know I did.
This week will be a 4 day week. We have no school on Good Friday, April 6th.
All our Testing this week will be on Thursday.
We have no special classes this week.
Upcoming Dates...
Thursday, April 12th = Shaved Ice
Saturday, April 14th = Spring Fling and 5K fun run (please send in ONE bag of candy with your child to support our green pod game for the spring fling)
Our Field Trip is April 27th. We have our 4 chaperones in place at this time. Thank you.
The next DIBELS testing date is May 8th... Your child needs to be able to read 90 words a minute by that time to Benchmark.
Have a great one.
-Mrs. Mainor