Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Holidays Everyone!
I hope you have a GREAT two weeks off with your families.
I sent home a puzzle pack full of word searches and look and find pages for the kids to do over the holidays. This is NOT to come back to school. This was just for FUN. We all know they get bored easily.
They can also practice math on their marker boards as well as their new spelling words for when we get back. I sent a copy home with the kids.
ONE THING I would like you to do is have them READ. We are doing dibels testing when we return and I sent home a few Christmas stories to practice reading. The more they re-read these passages the better, and more fluent they will be.
They also have their two chapter books they can be reading.
LEARNING NEVER TAKES A BREAK. Your brain is a muscle so you have to keep it in shape. Even on a holiday.
I want to send a special thanks to EVERYONE who sent in items for our class Cookie party. How delicious. We had a great time. And an extra special thanks to those of you who stopped in to help.
I also LOVED all my Christmas gifts. That was very sweet of all of you.
Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year~ See you gback in 2012
-Mrs. Mainor

Sunday, December 11, 2011

It's our last week together before Christmas Break. We have a lot of activities planned this week.
Monday and Tuesday: Are the last 2 days to get our grades completed before the 9 weeks ends on Wednesday.
Monday and Tuesday: We will be doing any and all make up work needed. We will take our last timed drills for Math along with our last County Test for this nine weeks. We will finish our last grade on Natural Resources for Science as well.
Reading/Language/Spelling are done...Except for make up work.
**Students will also try to reach their 9 weeks goals for A.R. during these days.
WEDNESDAY: All grades are due and A.R. books will be turned in. No more testing.
Wednesday: Breakfast with Santa, and then our class holiday party at 1:30.
We will do Christmas crafts throughout the day.
Thursday: Students wear pajamas on this day. We will do Christmas Activities all day.
At 1:30 we will have our Movie/Gotcha party.
Friday: Students will be released at 12:30pm. We will clean up and do Christmas activities all morning.
****If you are cleaning out toys to prepare for Christmas. We need treasure box items at this time. Bring in your toys you don't need anymore.
*****OUR CHRISTMAS PARTY will be a cookies and milk fest.
If everyone will MAKE christmas cookies to bring in on Wednesday that would be great. It's always fun to see the variety of cookies that come in. Make a mini memory with your child. Making cookies together is always fun. There isn't any homework this week. I have a few parents bringing milk and cups. Everyone else please bring in cookies. Your choice on variety.
Our party will follow our lunch time so...Cookies are a great desert.
I will pass out my presents for the students at that time too.
ps. don't forget to make arrangements ... your child will be home early on Friday.
-Mrs. Mainor

Monday, December 5, 2011

Two Weeks Until Christmas Break.
We have school until December 16th.

*I have a special thank you to send out to Jonathan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke. They donated to the Bake Sale the Friday we had our field trip and we got two plates of Cookies for our class to enjoy as a snack. THANK YOU They were delicious.

*Also special thanks to Jamie Collier's family for donating a huge thing of paper towels. We needed them sooo bad THANKS.

I rode on the float with the student council reps.
Congratulations to TRAVASIA DUNCAN who is our class rep.
The kids did a great job.
AND..... We saw many of our classmates in the crowd. Thanks for coming.

This week:
Mon.- We have our Eye screening (It has been postponed until Thursday due to a scheduling conflict from the eye people)

Tues.- We have our Penguin Patch shopping time at 10:20am If you want your child to purchase items from the penguin patch for parents/grandparents...etc... then send them with money to spend on TUESDAY.

Tues. Night- At 6:00pm in our lunchroom...We have our 1st and 2nd grade choir concert. Please come if you can.

Friday - We have Computer Lab and Library in the morning.


*Many of you have asked me about a wish list... I will send that home later this week.

*Class Christmas Party info. will come home later this week too.

Have a Great Week.
-Mrs. Mainor