Sunday, September 25, 2011

I hope everyone had a great weekend!
I want to thank everyone who sent in their Cookie Dough fundraising money.
We had 3 students from our class turn in money.
Congratulations to Rachel Flowers for being our class top seller. :)
I would also like to encourage every family to be sure to send in $10 to join PTA.
I would love to have 100% participation from our class. If you haven't joined yet, think about it.
Our special math lesson with Mrs. Pam last week revealed that my students are smart cookies.
They had to pass information along with each student having a specific job. Each group created a monster based on very limited and specific directions. All groups did GREAT. Mrs. Pam will be back with another lesson in upcoming months.
This week we are celebrating Johnny Appleseed's Birthday. We will do several activities based on his story and apple legacy.
We will also conduct a basic apple tasting and we will graph our findings.
****If you have an interesting "apple based" recipe you would like to make and send in on FRIDAY we would love for you to make it. We will eat all special apple snacks sent in on Friday morning.
Just make enough of your special something for 20 people to taste it.
This week is also our UNIT 1 Testing week.
There will be NO spelling words, spelling homework or spelling test.
We will have NO reading story or reading story quiz. (no book will come home)
We will have NO language quiz.
We WILL have a Large Unit 1 Test that mixes all the reading, and spelling skills from our last 5 stories.
Reading Skills are:
Character and Setting
Main Idea and Detail
Realism and Fantasy
*We have discussed and applied these skills to our stories of the week over the last 5 weeks.
ON THE UNIT TEST... The students will see 4 new mini stories. Each story will have questions about the skills listed above.
ON THE UNIT TEST... There is a vocabulary section that has questions that the students will fill in the blank with the correct answer.
ON THE UNIT TEST... There is a phonics section. They will ask the students to find the word that has the same sound as the one they are given. The sound/spelling patterns will come from our last 5 spelling tests.
*We will review on Monday and take a little part of the test each day. The test will be taken on the computer.
We will have a Unit 1 Language test.
Language Skills are:
Identifying a sentence from an incomplete idea
Identifying the subject of the sentence (who is doing the action)
Identifying the predicate of the sentence (what is the action in the sentence)
Identifying a statement from a question ( . ?)
Identifying a command from an exclaimation ( . ! )
*We will review for a few days and then take the test.
Math is regular this week.
Science is more Balancing and Weighing with "food" this time.
This is our week for Music.
We will have it on Friday, as well as our regular computer lab.
On Friday we will also have a special Gifted Screening lesson.
We will NOT have counseling this week.
Have a great week. I think the fall weather is trying to show up. Keep your fingers crossed.
-Mrs. Mainor

Sunday, September 18, 2011

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Did you catch a football game or go see the women's golf tournament? Whatever you did the weather was fabulous and thank goodness a little cooler.
We started the weekend off great with our Gotcha Party. It was the BEST.
All our students were able to attend.
We danced and danced and danced the afternoon away. What fun.
We will now start over with earning 3 gotchas towards the next gotcha party.
This week is our Library Week (on Friday) and of course Computer lab too.
I was wrong about the special math lesson from our AMSTI lady "Ms. Pam". She didn't come last week.... Instead...
She will be coming tomorrow (Mon.) to do our lesson at 12:30 with us.
Shaved Ice is Tuesday... Please send in $1.50 with your child if they want to buy.
Picture day is Wednesday... Please dress your child nicely and send in the order form with your money if you choose to buy. (this is also the individual picture, of your child, that will show up in the school yearbook)
And of course... Friday is game day and your child can buy a booster badge or pom pom or other items from the Stanhope Cheerleaders. 75cents and up.
I have to stress how important it is for your child to attend school, especially on our test days, Thursday and Friday, thank you.
We would like to send a SPECIAL THANKS to Jonathan Clarke's Family for sending in our awesome treasure box prizes for the month of September. WOW.... Thank you...The kids went wild over them and... probably brought one home this past Friday.
*just a reminder... If your child earns all happy faces throughout the week they get to choose from the treasure box each Friday.
We want to congratulate Marion Wilson for filling out her Blue Library Card... She has read 100 books, got her picture taken and will attend the special party in the spring.
*Remember you have until April to fill out your card. Keep on Reading. :)
Our student of the week last week was: Justin LaFogg.
Students of the week get to lead our class line EVERYWHERE we go throughout the week. They get to choose a friend to sit at a special table in the lunchroom each day. And...They get to attend a special party Just for Students Of the Week.
Everyone will have a turn as student of the week.
I randomly choose from the list of students who have all happy faces from the week before.
Once everyone has a turn then we will start over....again focusing on good behavior.
This week is our Last story for unit 1.
Next week we will have our first big unit test that has skills from our last 5 stories and spelling units. Look for a review sheet coming home later this week.
Have a Great Week!
-Mrs. Mainor

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I enjoyed meeting with everyone about your babies this past week at our conferences. Thank you all for coming.
This week we have to celebrate Elijah Lamb for reading 100 books already... WOW.
Please continue to write every title of the books you read on your blue log. When you reach 100 books you get your picture made and a ribbon...and you get to attend a special party at the end of the school year. Remember you have until April to complete your log.
This week we have Counseling on Wednesday and Music class on Friday.
We also have a special Math lesson on Monday. Ms. Pam, from AMSTI, will come in and do a hands on math lesson with us. She will visit us on many occasions throughout the school year.
Graded papers will come home on THURSDAY. "last Thurs. I had a sub"
We start a new story this week. Day #1 will be Monday and Day #5 will be Friday. We are back on track for a regular week.
Our Language and Reading tests will be on Thursday and the Spelling, Math, and Science test will be on Friday.
Please expect to see your child's reading book come home Mon. Tues. and Wed.
Expect to see the nightly reading passage, Spelling and Math homework each night.
The new thing... Expect to see one Library book come home each night as well.
Have a Great Week.
-Mrs. Mainor

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Happy Labor Day Weekend!!!!
We have NO SCHOOL on Monday...or Tuesday.
I will see each of you at your scheduled time on Tuesday to talk about your child's progress so far and their goals for the year.
I look forward to seeing each of you then.
Please bring any questions you have to the meeting so we can be sure to address them at that time.
We HAVE started checking out library books and taking A.R. Tests.
Please be sure to record ANY BOOK your child reads onto their Blue Library sheet. Once they reach 100 books they will get their picture taken and be on the list for a special Library party at the end of the school year.
We had 12 students attend from our class last year (the most I have had Ever). I'd like to top that if possible this year. I will remind you frequently to keep track of it. The Fridge is a great place to keep it.
Our special class this Friday is Library. Mrs. McConnell will do an activity with the kids on this day.
Our Day #1 for Reading/ Language was on Friday. Day #2 is Wed. Day #3 is Thursday and we will combine Day #4/5 on Friday. All Tests will be taken this coming Friday for U.1 W.3 spelling words, language test and reading story quiz. We also have Computer lab. Friday's are very BUSY and are extremely important to attend.
ATTENDANCE...Please send an excuse note within 3 days of your child's absence.
Our new computer system will NOT allow grades to be taken for unexcused absences.
If we take tests on a day your child is absent and that absence is unexcused... your child will receive a 0% on that test.
I am so excited that all our programs are up and running. All initial testing is complete and we have started reading groups. This week we will add our working centers along with groups. Thank you for encouraging your child to do their best and behave (especially during independent work times).
Please ask your child about their time with Mrs. Bush in counseling this past Wed. and then their time with Mrs. Kingsmore for Music this past Friday. They had their first visit with these special classes.
SHAVED ICE is this FRIDAY, Sept. 9th. Send $1.50 with your child ON THAT DAY if they are buying. I cannot hold money ahead of time in my class.
Have a great long weekend.
See you Tuesday.
-Mrs. Mainor