Lots of sick students in our classroom and lots of absences as well. We will be doing makeup testing this week, in addition to new concepts.
PLEASE NOTE: You are NOT supposed to send your child to school until they are FEVER FREE for 24 HOURS.
We have had several students who have come to school with a fever OR leave with a fever one day and show up the next.This puts Everyone in danger of getting sick, and is not fair to the rest of the students. (especially your own sick child)
It's better to stay home until you are well than try to learn when you are feeling terrible.
Thanks for your consideration in the upcoming weeks.
We are coming upon the month of February. There are a lot of things to celebrate. It is the Month we highlight: Dental Hygiene, Black History, Abraham Lincoln's birthday, George Washington's birthday, Groundhog Day, and of course Valentine's Day.
We will cover all these topics in our daily lessons, centers, read alouds, and art activities.
We will also have a Valentine's Day Party... More info. to come.
A few dates you want to Remember:
Jan. 31st - Feb.23rd = Yearbook Sales ($18 Checks payable to CES)
Feb. 1st = CLASS PICTURE DAY Dress Nicely Please Everyone takes the Picture
(you may buy one for $10)
Feb. 3rd = Progress Reports come home. Please sign and return by Friday for a gotcha.
Feb. 28th = The book fair will return to CES that week.
Keep up the great work reading with your child each night. It makes a difference.
Items we need in class:
Small treasure box items (dollar tree/walmart/your toyboxes)
Paper Towels
Boxes of Tissue
*Pick one or send all...Anything will be greatly appreciated... Thanks.
Have a great week.
-Mrs. Mainor